Very cute!
It took 2 months to arrive but the cardigan is very sturdy material, and soft too! It fits well, especially in the shoulders! I ordered a large but I'm usually a small. It's about an inch and a half shorter than I thought it would be, which doesn't seem like a lot but when you're wearing it it actually would make a difference.
The colour is also not 100% accurate. I ordered the beige, and it ended up being a white cream colour closer to the pants the model is wearing with the beige cardigan. It's still a beautiful colour and honestly I like it better than beige.
It washes well too. I ran it in a gentle cycle and laid it flat to dry and it still looks and fits the same.
All in all a really great item perfect for summer or fall and I'm very happy with it!
(If anyone needs a better size comparison I am 5ft and 115lbs)
Design |
Rated 1 on a scale of minus 2 to 2, where minus 2 is Meh, 0 is OK and 2 is Great
Quality |
Rated 2 on a scale of minus 2 to 2, where minus 2 is Meh, 0 is OK and 2 is Great
Comfort |
Rated 2 on a scale of minus 2 to 2, where minus 2 is Meh, 0 is OK and 2 is Great